Fréttatilkynning frá Hizb´Allah: Átök hefjast á mánudaginn kemur

imagesCACOUBCQJćja, núna ćtlar Flokkur Allah ađ hefjast handa viđ ađ hrista upp í Líbanon, helst ađ ná ţar völdum. Fćstir geta horft framhjá ţví, ađ ţar séu erindrekar Sýrlendinga og Írana ađ trođa sér til valda. Sýrlendingar vilja alls ekki ađ stjórnvöld í Líbanon fari ađ grafast fyrir um morđin á fyrrv. forsćtisráđherra Líbanons, og síđar Gemayel, helsta leiđtoga kristinna Maróníta, og Íranir vilja, ađ Hizb´Allah, sem eru ađallega sjítar, komist til valda í Líbanon, rétt eins og ţeir styđja sjíta í Írak til valda. Bćđi Sýrlendingar og Íranir munu síđan vilja nota nýja ríkisstjórn, sem yrđi undir stjórn eđa áhrifum Hizb´Allah, ađ reka erindi sín á landamćrum Ísraels. En svo segir m.a. í umfjöllun MEMRI:

 Over the past few days, the Hizbullah-led Lebanese opposition has threatened to escalate the conflict through violent protest that will include the blocking of main intersections so as to "paralyze life in Lebanon."

The editor of the Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar, which is close to Hizbullah, reported on January 5, 2007 that the "second phase of the opposition's intifada" would begin Monday, January 8, 2007. He wrote: "The opposition has entered a new phase of intensive confrontation with the ruling faction, and, in the last few day, has been deliberating over its plan of action. This comes after it has become convinced that the Arab parties managing the attempts at mediation [i.e. Saudi Arabia and Egypt] have in practice adopted the position of [Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad] Al-Siniora, who, like them, belongs to the 'moderate' camp supported by the U.S. and France."

These threats come despite two weeks of diplomatic efforts on the part of Saudi Arabia and Egypt to prevent a violent outbreak.


Jćja, ţá er bara ađ bíđa og sjá, hvort rétt reynist, ađ allt fari í bál og brand í Líbanon, einu sinni enn, og ađ ofangreind dagsetning standi?

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